It´s pig week!
Check out the some of the other pigs invading the internets. The pig general Johan Jergner Ekervik, Frida Ulvegren, Mikael Sol, Åsa Ekström, Simon Andersson, Stef Gaines, Louise Lange, and finally Anders Backlunds pig.
Elfte september 2009
Än så länge tycker jag att Niels Harrit och hans kollegors artikel "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe" publicerad i The Open Chemical Physics Journal Volume 2, 2009, är bland de konkretaste bevisen för ett insiderjobb.
6 av de 10 medlemmarna av 9/11 Comission (inkl. ordföranden) har gått ut offentligt med att deras rapport tjänat att mörklägga vad som egentligen hände den dagen.
new stickers
Hej, jag heter Jan Björklund ...
Tack, men nej tack. Jag tror jag klarar mig utan ett "europeiskt FBI".
Om jag får bestämma får piratpartiet en betydande position i Europaparlamentet.
Rösta in piratpartiet i Europaparlamentet på söndag, det är som att rösta nej till FRA, IPRED, teledatalagring och all övrig överdriven övervakning.
wow... just... wow...!
"A Charleston woman agreed in Kanawha Circuit Court Monday to a judge’s suggestion that she have her fallopian tubes tied as part of her probation.
Jessica Michelle Butterworth, 21, pleaded guilty to possession with intent to distribute marijuana on March 23. At her sentencing hearing, Judge L.D. Egnor suspended a one- to five-year prison sentence in favor of five years of probation.
Egnor, a retired Cabell County Circuit judge who has been hearing cases while Judge Paul Zakaib Jr. recovers from an illness, said he had made arrangements for Butterworth to have the sterilizing procedure free of charge." /WV Gazette June 2, 2009
Well isn´t that nice, "free of charge"!
bill hicks 1 2 3
Hunter S Thompson 1
Good times for metals
hälften av USAs stridande förband - robotar år 2015
Det känns ju betryggande. Som om det inte var nog att yenkarnas armé trippar loss på receptbelagda läkemedel.
"In this powerful talk, P.W. Singer shows how the widespread use of robots in war is changing the realities of combat. He shows us scenarios straight out of science fiction -- that now may not be so fictitious."
Även om jag inte, som han, tror att robotar kommer hjälpa "terrorister" i nån större utsträckning, så är det ändå en väldigt intressant föreläsning.
Det är inte så att jag är emot framsteg, men teknologi är ett tveeggat svärd som ofta verkar hållas mot folkets strupe av de styrande.
Robotpingviner och andra sjuka grejer.
"Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage, and those who manage what they do not understand." /Putt's Law
Joe Biden och Grandpa Simpson...
Jeremy Rothe-Kushel och Bruno Bruhwiler från We Are Change LA frågar Obamas vice president Joe Biden en fråga som avslöjar svaret.
"Do you know what this reminds me of? Anybody remember that "power sauce" Simpsons episode when Homer has to climb that big mountain? At the end of the episode, Homer's Dad Abraham was confronted about chewing some guys arm, so his reaction to it is "Okay, here's what I think happened?" And then he pauses and just runs away. That's what this clip reminded me of, the way Biden reacted. lmao!" /ImyManz99
Artikeln som verkade ge Biden tillfällig senilitet heter "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe" och är skriven av bland andra Niels Harrit, lektor i kemi vid Köpenhamns universitet.
Den 27 maj, 19:30 - 21:30 kommer han att prata om sin artikel i Malmö på Café Liberté, S:t Gertrudsgatan 4C.
Kom och lyssna om du är i trakten.
Två flygplan, tre byggnader...
We Are Change LA
det var som fan
Alternativmedia är nu potentiella terrorister
In the same breath as radical Cuban Communists, the “decentralized terrorist movement,” “lone terrorists,” “racist skinheads” and the Mexican separatist movement, we find an entry for “alternative media,” alongside the blurb, “a term used to describe various information sources that provide a forum for interpretations of events and issues that differ radically from those presented in mass media products and outlets.”
That’s right folks - the federal government is training its enforcers that people who don’t believe everything they see on Fox News, CNN or read in the New York Times are to be treated as a “threat” and a potential violent domestic terrorist.
Apparently it’s not enough to treat Ron Paul supporters, people who fly U.S. flags or people who are able to accurately recite the Bill of Rights as potential mass killers, now anyone who merely questions what is reported by the corporate media is also a danger, according to the federal government."
läs pdf:en
original article
När kommer den första internet-revolten?
the buisness behind getting high
The Union: The buisness behind getting high
För vi är många. Vi har kapacitet att bevaka tingsrätterna. Vi kan se när dokument lämnas in och koordinera våra egna försvarslinjer. Kortfattat, vi tar ingen skit och vi vägrar vara rädda."
New World Order: Still A Conspiracy Theory?
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown himself yesterday announced that the G20 heralded the creation of a "new world order" which would involve increased global regulation of economic markets.
A Google News search provides well over a thousand results of reports including the term “new world order” over the past couple of weeks.
Despite the fact that world leaders have been talking about a “new world order” for decades, in the context of the political agenda to diminish the power of sovereign states in favor of a move towards global governance, it was still regarded as a delusion of paranoid conspiracy theorists by the establishment media until relatively recently.
Now even Fox News and Sean Hannity are throwing their arms in the air and admitting that the “conspiracy theorists were right” as the agenda for global government is openly announced."