
"Det är lite komiskt att Ipred säger att stämningar inte behöver talas om för mottagaren förrän 30 dagar efter Internetleverantören lämnat ut abonnentadressen, när stämningarna faktiskt är offentlig handling.

För vi är många. Vi har kapacitet att bevaka tingsrätterna. Vi kan se när dokument lämnas in och koordinera våra egna försvarslinjer. Kortfattat, vi tar ingen skit och vi vägrar vara rädda."

/Rick Falkvinge


New World Order: Still A Conspiracy Theory?

"Despite the fact that the term “new world order” was mentioned in connection with the G20 this week hundreds of times by both global leaders and in news reports, it is still regarded as a “conspiracy theory” by that bastion of truthiness, Wikipedia.

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown himself yesterday announced that the G20 heralded the creation of a "new world order" which would involve increased global regulation of economic markets.

A Google News search provides well over a thousand results of reports including the term “new world order” over the past couple of weeks.

Despite the fact that world leaders have been talking about a “new world order” for decades, in the context of the political agenda to diminish the power of sovereign states in favor of a move towards global governance, it was still regarded as a delusion of paranoid conspiracy theorists by the establishment media until relatively recently.

Now even Fox News and Sean Hannity are throwing their arms in the air and admitting that the “conspiracy theorists were right” as the agenda for global government is openly announced."

original article